Monday, January 14, 2008

What's Black and Pink and Heartburn-y All Over?

Coming into week 23 I have a new exciting experience – constant heartburn/indigestion. I now get it when I haven’t eaten, when I’ve just eaten (anything), 2 hours after I’ve eaten, and whenever I buy a consumable item or look at food pictures. My friend T. warned me that it was coming, and that if I had any problems to get on this new wonderful medication ASAP. Of course I’ve totally forgotten what that delightful drug is called, but I’ll ask the doc about it on my next visit because, uh, ouch. Nothing I seem to do helps – I sit bolt upright, I take Tums or Rolaids by the fistful, I drink fluids, I don’t drink fluids, I cut out OJ, I eat a Rocky Road sundae (ok, the last thing is not medically proven to help, but man, am I ever craving Rocky Road ice cream lately!).

The nursery is almost-totally-completely-done, I’m just waiting on the rocker/glider and ottoman to arrive. The assembly wasn’t as painful as I thought, although doing it by myself meant some awkward straining and twisting and banging nice black furniture into pink walls. It’s pretty much exactly how I envisioned it, which always makes me happy, and it will look really nice for prospective buyers, which is more important. I got a little carried away and bought diapers and wipes and powder and those sorts of things so it’s really and truly compulsively ready (hey, think about all those stories you hear where women go into early labor and nothing is done!). And I admit, it was kinda cool deciphering the Secret Code of Diaper Sizing and selecting a brand (I went with Huggies because they have that newborn-navel-cutout, which I think is brilliant). If you’re on the Facebook I posted some pics and a semi-coherent video tour there, although I haven’t quite figured out all the functions of my new digital camera yet, so you will have to tilt your head sideways for part of it. I would've re-shot but Loud is actually awake in sunlight hours today and banging around so I didn't want to subject anyone to that.

So other than baby-proofing, which I may not even have to do in this house (knock on cursed wood), I think I’m pretty much set. I’ll wait another couple months to get a trip-to-the-hospital bag ready, and put the finishing touches on my novella, ‘Things for Coach J.’, but otherwise I just need to concentrate on work and sleep and growing the kid some more. And not barfing in the kitchen sink (which I did again today, for no good reason).

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