Monday, January 21, 2008

Monday, Monday

Well, it’s a Monday. I had a pretty decent weekend, actually, and made myself go to a social event (cooking club meet up). We got a sprinkling of snow which made things delightfully chilly, and I got my paperwork for the Get Rid of the House Loan, which is both exciting and horribly depressing at the same time (seriously, take a minute and think of everything you could do with $10,000 other than hand it to a lawyer when you are SELLING something). But since Loud has been singing to himself for about an hour in the room beneath me while I am trying to concentrate on my product release service plan, I am comforted in the knowledge that $10K is in retrospect a very small price to pay to never, ever have to see or hear him again. I’ll just think of it as mob hit money.

In other financial missteps, my latest Junior purchase is the Disney DVD club enrollment. Anyone who knows me knows that I love to join DVD clubs, get the free stuff and the exact number of DVDs to fulfill membership, quit, and then do it all again. Seriously, I have worked out the numbers on this and it’s still a good deal AS LONG AS YOU DON’T GET SUCKED INTO BUYING ANYTHING ELSE. So I figured I’d start a Disney collection for Junior, including the classics like Cinderella, as well as stuff that’s just plain awesome like Monsters, Inc. I have a few VHS, but don’t have a VCR anymore, plus kids today know how to work DVD players much easier. And this way they are hers right from the get-go, and I don’t worry about her destroying my stuff.

This weekend I hung out with Coach J., who was lured by the siren song of pink musical bunnies to purchase more stuffed critters for Junior. I almost bought one of those textured blanket thingies with the dots (what’s the deal with those? They’re EVERYWHERE!) when I realized I had to get a grip, because that’s the perfect example of something someone would give as a shower gift. I have to admit though, I am starting to worry about a shower. I talked to my cousin in Cincinnati and she didn’t mention anything, so I don’t think that’s going to happen. That would totally suck. My friends here would probably have one, but I have so few local female friends that it would be pretty sparse. It’s not even that I’m upset or worried about the lack of haul; I was just really looking forward to the whole Shower Experience, especially since I missed out on a wedding extravaganza. I want the games, and the shared stories from other moms, and, well, the ceremony of it.

Junior is still doing well, although I had a nightmare that I was at my next appointment and they couldn’t find a heartbeat. What upsets me is that in the dream I was like, ‘Well, I should have expected this’. I am still surprised by the fear and anxiety that expectant mothers (and then later, mothers of alive and healthy yet totally vulnerable children) carry with them constantly. I think this, in part, helps explain the bond that all mothers feel but can’t describe; this terror and fierce protectiveness. My mum is starting to get excited about the visit and another new baby, whilst I lay in bed trying to remember the 411* of contractions as if I'm going to be tested on it in the morning.

*4 minutes apart, lasting one minute, consistent for over one hour

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