I had a pretty decent collection already started, since way back when I was in Teacher’s College for Primary/Junior education I had got it into my head that I needed to do so, despite my lack of funds and expensive drinking habits. There was a great discount book store in Ottawa, and a fancy children’s-books-only place in the snootier part of town that was good for hard to find stuff.
Despite the fact that I’ll probably just be moving and have to re-pack it all, I hauled everything I could find onto the shelf in Junior’s room and have been critically evaluating the collection for gaps, either in age group (since I don’t have very many board books or soft books), author (Seuss/Scarry), or topic (concepts, alphabet, manners, etc.). I also wanted to make sure I had the classics covered, as well as childhood favorites. I was happy to discover that most of what I was lacking was available on my friend Amazon, so I thought I’d share today’s order with you;
Big Max (It took me half the morning to remember the title of this – you should have seen the stuff I was typing into the Google search bar to help me. ‘Elephants melting ice’ didn’t get me very far, just so you know)
Knuffle Bunny
The B Book
On Beyond Zebra
In a People House
Clifford the Big Red Dog
Strega Nona
Cars and Trucks and Things That Go
What Do People Do All Day?
The Story of Babar (which, apparently, I’m not suppose to read to Junior because it’s ‘colonist’)
Are You My Mother?
Curious George
In the Night Kitchen
Harold and the Purple Crayon
Tikki Tikki Tembo
(plus a couple little tag books and board books)
I was also trying to find a decent collection of Little Golden Books, but didn’t like what I found so I’ll keep looking. In addition I made a half-hearted attempt to find a Barbapapa book or DVD, but no dice (on a side note, during the Barbapapa search there was a thread about Jeremy Bear – man, that show made me cry!).
Next up – Junior’s Music Library! I’m eyeballing an expensive piece of equipment that will nicely turn all my old cassettes into MP3 files, since I’ve got so much stuff on tape that is basically useless unless I find a Teddy Ruxpin (I’m joking, Teddy Ruxpin is terrifying and they still sell them and I would NEVER allow one to get near Junior). The stuff I’m most anxious to get converted are a series of Robert Munsch books read by the author, since the limited audio stuff that is out there now is, well, limited, and pricey. And I’ve also got all kinds of old stuff like Sesame Street and Muppets and Disney Read-a-Long tapes that would just be nice to have in a less 1970’s format.
Happy Friday! We sign paperwork to put the house back on the market at a tragically reduced price tonight, so wish me luck. I’m so excited to be prepping for house showings again. Nasty strangers pawing through stuff in Junior’s pretty room and then complaining that the living room is too small, I can’t wait.
1 comment:
Funny ... I just got my Amazon order of kid's books today! I ordered some Australian ones I'd heard about that looked good:
-I Went Walking
-Each Peach Pear Plum
-Who Sank The Boat
-Richard Scarry's Cars and Trucks from A to Z (board book)
I was also thinking of what other "classics" I want, so your list is helpful.
Good luck with the house!
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