For example, last night’s Law and Order (spoiler alert!) was about frozen embryos being stolen, and the controversy surrounding all the reasons the couples were using egg storage in the first place, biological clocks and old eggs, etc. We learned that Olivia (Mariska Hargitay, my fave), tried to apply to adopt a baby but was turned down. I cried. It was really good. Anyhow, my point is that the commercial that showed next featured the ‘Can you hear me now?’ cell phone guy, pretending to be in labor to test the phone capabilities. And Tina Fey has a movie coming out where she plays a single mom who uses a surrogate to conceive after failed attempts on her own.
It probably is just me, and in my baby-crazed state it just seems like babyland out there. But I love it nonetheless.
Speaking of things I love, my relationship with potatoes has become abusive. Last night for dinner I did not have fresh bright green vegetables or fruit or protein or whole grains or anything that might in any way be good for me or Junior. I had a can of small white boiled potatoes, sliced and fried in butter, sprinkled with seasoning salt and served with a generous dollop of sour cream. That was my dinner. I deserve your derision. It was the most delicious thing I’ve eaten all week, and as you know I’ve had several very good meals. I have got to do better at not letting the potatoes control me. I can hear the remaining can calling me now, as I think about what to have for lunch. I must resist their siren song.
On a side note, I’m done my taxes, are you? They turned out almost exactly how I wanted, which is always nice, since I have to pay off my Invisalign debt somehow and don't think hooking is the right answer.
(I’m sick, I LOVE to do my taxes)
And how sad is it about Heath Ledger? When I first started hearing the report, I thought they were talking about my boy Jake at first because all I heard was Oscar-nominated and Brokeback Mountain (BTW, I’ve finally accepted that he’s dating Reese, and I think they’re kinda cute together). But still, so sad. And now so much extra Dark Knight hype, a la The Crow. And what’s with that Star Trek preview where they’re arc-welding a spaceship? *sigh*
So soon I won’t have any pop culture knowledge at all.
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