Topping today’s list of ‘Oh-my-god-I-had-it-when-I-was-a-child-and-if-I-can’t-get-it-for-Junior-I’ll-simply-die’ items is a favorite bedtime LP, 101 Golden Nursery Songs. My friends, coworkers, and strangers in grocery stores alike can blame this for those times when I am absent-mindedly humming, ‘Oh Dear What Can the Matter Be’ under my breath. I found someone on Ebay selling a decent copy, and I am hoping to appeal to Loud’s sense of greed by bribing him to clean it up and convert it to MP3 for me (in addition to cold hard cash he’ll also get to feel superior, which he may love more than the money). Then I just need to convert the cassettes I’ve got, and I feel pretty good about Junior’s formative years, soundtrack by Sharon, Lois and Bram and Sandra Beech and those nice inoffensive folks.
I had a monthly doctor’s appointment today with my favorite doc, who likes to say things like, ‘Yep, there’s your kid!’ when listening to the heartbeat (150 bpm). He told me to go ahead and pick up some otc Pepcid or Zantac or Tagamet because it was all perfectly safe and I’d be a much happier person, and also recommended switching to a multi vitamin without iron. I think I’m going to take his advice on both those. He asked me about getting the flu shot but didn’t seem too worried about it, so I’m still going to avoid it (knock on healthy, non-contagious wood). I also was given the oft-spoke-of orange glucose test drink for my next appointment at the end of February, which is exciting. Especially since I had tapioca pudding for dinner last night. Seriously, that’s it, a bowl of WARM tapioca pudding. Gross. Yet delicious, and the only thing I wanted (hey, I figured it had milk and egg and only a teensy bit of sugar, right?).
I can’t seem to get comfortable lately, either sitting or at night. Yes, I know it’s only going to get worse, but that doesn’t help me right now. Also, Loud’s latest 5 am habit of running around slamming doors and talking to Quiet is wearing thin. Why would someone be stupid enough to torture an insomniac light-sleeping pregnant woman in this way? Let me know your suggestions for killing him cleanly and surreptitiously while still managing to get a mortgage check out of him.
In other news, sister N. has skillfully played the Get Out of Work for Another Year card by accidentally tripping and falling on a baby-making device again. I can’t write about how I really feel since she reads my blog, and I don’t want to start a rumble by admitting my selfish feelings of irritation about her stealing my pregnancy/new baby thunder, but I am excited for her and hey, a baby is always a cool thing. Just not when you find out via The Facebook.
I travel to Boston next week for work, and while I’m dreading the actual travel it will be nice to again get away. I’m depressed because we’ve only had one house showing, and this weekend is the Super Bowl so traffic will likely be light. I’m also worried because now Loud is saying he can’t possibly come up with the money, which will be exciting to deal with if we do actually get an offer. Driving to my appointment today I realized for the first time (duh) how crappy it would be if we sold the place in the next month or so and I moved to the other side of Raleigh but still had to drive back and forth to Chapel Hill every 10 seconds for doctor’s appointments (plus had to get to the hospital while in labor). But then I decided not to worry about it, because hey, if we sell the house I don’t care if I have to have the baby in a taxi. Ok, I take that back, I care a little bit. But you know what I mean.
I found out from my Ohio cousin that a shower is definitely out due to lousy March schedules, so I will be relying on the kindness of local friends who I will murder if they try to make it a surprise (the same group of friends planned a surprise 30th, which was awesome but which made me cry and shake for 2 hours). It’s disappointing because my mum and sisters won’t be able to be there, but I’m lucky I’ve got such great love and support from my buddies. I really need it as I progress farther and really start to feel the distance between me and my family.
So that's about it for now. Junior is where she’s suppose to be and doing what she’s suppose to be doing, according to the doc, despite the fact that I expect him to tell me she’s mysteriously disappeared or something is horribly tragically wrong every time I go in to the office. Oh, and today’s visit was AWESOME (really, it was, that’s not sarcasm) – I think I ranted in a previous post about waiting for a million hours at my last appointment. Well, someone paid attention to the feedback because today I had to carry around a little clipboard with a digital clock, and note the times I was checked in, went back to see the doc, etc. Bravo, UNC! I love to see process improvement. It makes me happy that they’re aware of the problem and are trying to fix it. I was in and out in under an hour today. That will make bi-weekly visits much more bearable.