Monday, September 10, 2007

Vegas Odds

See, I told you I had weird luck. Just that one little off-hand try, a teensy little vial of magic, and unbeatable timing. I swear, if anyone is every looking for conception advice – test strips, test strips, test strips!

I had told myself I wasn’t allowed to do any more pregnancy tests until I was at least one week late. I waited two whole days, which I think for me is some kind of record. Plus I’m not racing to the doctor for confirmation – I know they’re just going to do almost exactly the same test, and why pay a $20 copay for that? I’ll wait another month, see how things are going, and go in for the blood test. It’s the blood test that’s the real deal, since it gives you an exact reading of some sort of important number, which in my case last time was really low and was an indicator of the problem ahead (or, possibly, the problem that had already occurred).

So how do I feel? It’s weird because this time I have ZERO symptoms. No tenderness, I didn’t feel the implantation, I’m not crazy (meaning, crazier than usual) or having weird cravings or oppositions to certain smells or any of that stuff. I of course have some guilt about a couple drinks I had, but that is to be expected.

Mostly I’m just still waiting. I’m a little bit excited because, hey, it worked! I finally caught on, and did it TWICE IN A ROW!! I’m worried, because, hmm, I hope everything was all fixed up and ready to go so soon again. I’m freaking out a bit because the same old work and house worries are back. But mostly I’m just thinking about when I’m going to let myself believe it’s for real this time. What’s the magic date where I’ll wake up and think, ‘Yep, this is it!’?

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