I’m surprised by this, because so far it has made some pretty good calls (I gag when I see/smell/discuss soft cheeses or hot dogs), and you would think that a nice beefy iron-laden burger would be just the thing. But no. I go to the fridge with semi-good intentions, and return with yogurt. I am worried that I have a hippie inside me. Chicken seems to still be tolerable, as long as I don’t have to cook it or smell it while it’s cooking. Pork is out. I think bacon might even be out, horror of all horrors. Fish is DEFINITELY out, although I’ve managed to still choke down canned tuna because I bury it in relish and mayo. Lamb, I just learned, is out, since my eyes welled up when Loud said the word to me. So what does that leave? Lentils are still good. I like beans, and split peas; thank god we’re coming into the soup season, because I’ll be able to do a lot with legumes. I still love dairy, and fruit and veggies have proven themselves to be on the high-crave list. Soy is so-so, but I don’t think it’s good for the preggers ladies anyhow. Eggs are also touch and go, depending on my mood and how they’re prepared (for example, I have had a recurring fantasy about a soft-boiled egg on toast, but when it comes to actually delivering I change my mind every time).
Mom, dad... it looks like I'm having a vegan! I just hope it doesn’t smell like patchouli.
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