I’m tired of being tired. This insomnia thing is killing me. What the crap is the deal? This is one of the many things that just doesn’t make sense to be as a Potentially Pregnant Person. At the time when I most need sleep, I can’t have it? What the heck is going on inside my body or brain that is making me toss and turn and lie awake for hours? Other than, of course, the soul-gnawing worry that is my new constant companion.
Yesterday evening was my first AquaMoms class. I met;
Emily – Best chance for friendship. Nice smile, pretty hair, good bathing suit, possibly slightly competitive which I like.
Kathy – Sporty, skinny. Don’t like her for no good reason at all. Maybe the skinniness.
Christy – Snooty, fancy hair and bathing suit, possibly just very tired because of excessive pregnancy but seems unfriendly.
Dionne – Spacey, a little distant.
Someone whose name I didn’t catch – Nice, polite, very quiet.
I thought there would be more people. It’s kind of nice that it’s a smaller group, although there’s no way for me to hide or cheat. And the stuff we did was TOUGH!! Who was the cruel bitch who invented Pool Noodle Pushups? That is NOT fun use of a pool noodle. The fat on the outsides of my thighs was actually hurting. And I was dumb and wore my paddle boots, which hurt my feet. So I was sucking wind, with cramped feet, had to pee, my jiggling fat hurt, and I was already hot within like 15 minutes. I was like, ‘I am going to miscarry this poor little joggled baby because I am so embarrassingly out of shape, and this little tiny bit of exercise is going to be too much for it and it is going to spontaneously abort right here in the pool’. So on one hand, it was a surprisingly good workout. On the other, I still didn’t sleep and now I’m scared to go next week. I have got to hurry and see if there are any water shoes left anywhere. Plus, I am a winner in the four major categories;
Yesterday evening was my first AquaMoms class. I met;
Emily – Best chance for friendship. Nice smile, pretty hair, good bathing suit, possibly slightly competitive which I like.
Kathy – Sporty, skinny. Don’t like her for no good reason at all. Maybe the skinniness.
Christy – Snooty, fancy hair and bathing suit, possibly just very tired because of excessive pregnancy but seems unfriendly.
Dionne – Spacey, a little distant.
Someone whose name I didn’t catch – Nice, polite, very quiet.
I thought there would be more people. It’s kind of nice that it’s a smaller group, although there’s no way for me to hide or cheat. And the stuff we did was TOUGH!! Who was the cruel bitch who invented Pool Noodle Pushups? That is NOT fun use of a pool noodle. The fat on the outsides of my thighs was actually hurting. And I was dumb and wore my paddle boots, which hurt my feet. So I was sucking wind, with cramped feet, had to pee, my jiggling fat hurt, and I was already hot within like 15 minutes. I was like, ‘I am going to miscarry this poor little joggled baby because I am so embarrassingly out of shape, and this little tiny bit of exercise is going to be too much for it and it is going to spontaneously abort right here in the pool’. So on one hand, it was a surprisingly good workout. On the other, I still didn’t sleep and now I’m scared to go next week. I have got to hurry and see if there are any water shoes left anywhere. Plus, I am a winner in the four major categories;
Least pregnant
Most husband-free
The instructor was big on sharing little personal stories, so we'll see what happens when the non-married thing comes up. I'm not afraid to slap someone with a noodle if they get up in my bidness.