Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Tide is High

Finally, irrefutable proof that the January attempts were failures. No matter how bossy I am, there are just some things that I can’t force, and this is one of ‘em. I’m not going to pretend to be devil-may-care, because it totally sucks; now my charting is all screwed up, and I’m going to have to do math, and Quiet will have to miserably hide in his closet again, churning out Elf Magic. I did, however, receive some interesting words of support and advice from friends that made me want to punch them in the face at the time, but that I can now accept and ponder with a little space.

- If you’re going to be all tense about it, your body is going to react. RELAX. (yeah, right)

- There are all kinds of things that you haven’t even thought about that you’re just now realizing; maybe not getting pregnant right away is a good thing, because it gives you a little extra time to adjust to these new unexpected concerns and ideas. (TOTALLY true)

- Well, since you didn’t do such a good job at that ‘no drinking and no caffeine’ thing, maybe it’s for the best; that was a ‘trial run’. (admittedly being well-behaved is tougher than I thought)

I have to go and re-run the numbers for February and see what the schedule is going to look like. If only I was better at the basal body temperature thing. *sigh*

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