Please keep in mind, if you have actually named your child this (or, one of the above is your name), I really think that's tremendously cool and yay for you, please don't be insulted and try to find my house to punch me in the eye. I am envious of people who get creative with names (unless it results in Pilot Inspektor), and wish I wasn't so darn White/Christian with the names I've got picked out. Which, by the way, you will never ever see listed here because I don't want everyone taking my name like they did when I was considering 'Jake'.
FYI, there are also some cool girl's names, but since I've had my girl name picked out for like 10 years and there is no other, I haven't really looked at kooky girl names.
I went from "Mary" -- super holy-Christian, batman. To "Karenna" which was something I literally stumbled across on the Internet and fell in love with.
It's really really wild to name a human being. Wait unti the first time you see Allistair's name written out on a form or something. (Not in the hospital where it will be "Baby your-last-name.") But someplace else, like on a childcare form or a cubby or a nametag. That's when you realize, holy criminey, you named a whole person.
Good luck. I hope cells are dividing happily away for you.
I LOVE the name Karenna; I secretly have a fondness for names that can have all kinds of great nicknames and be shortened cutely for babies. I actually refer to Karenna as 'Renny' when I'm telling DaMomma stories to my friends.
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