And now, here I am today, breathless and fidgety with anticipation that maybe, just maybe, there’s a chance, 20% of 20%, (0.04, I think, if my math is right), because I was suppose to get my period yesterday and did not. Nor did I get it last night. Hoping beyond hoping, I told myself I’d wait until 3:00 this afternoon, no, 2:00, to try the HPT.
Well, I just blew that goal out of the window. Proving myself to really be that impatient, I just went and did it. And it was negative. There’s a very clear, solid negative line mocking me right now.
How many times will I go through this before going totally insane? Again, how do women do this month in and out, year after year? I would have bet money right up until the moment I saw that line that it had taken, especially after the past few days where I’ve been sleeping 12-14 hours on average and still feel exhausted, been absent-minded, sensitive to ‘normal’ smells, all those things that I have to now chalk up to – psychosomatic symptoms? I’ve read of that happening, where you want it so bad that you convince your body to give off the common signs. So next step I guess is waiting a few more days to see if I get my period and then, if not, redo the test in a week to see if hormone levels have risen any. And NOT get my hopes up that it was a false negative. Oops, too late. 0.04, that's still a chance!
1 comment:
Very clear, solid negative lines are evil!
What test are you taking - you should take the one where a line shows up if you're pregnant - not if you're not pregnant!
Maybe it's still too early to tell?? Don't they say you have to wait x number of days after the first missed period?
So many years of trying so hard not to get pregnant. Argh.
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