I've been surprised by how good I feel this week - maybe it's because I'm cruising into week 9 and the end (of this brutal trimester) is in sight, or it's just simply because I'm busy and not sitting around over-thinking about nonsense and moping. Either way, the exhaustion hasn’t killed me (despite the fact I am still not sleeping), and I’ve been eating a very normal meal plan. Today’s lunch time taco salad may have been an error, in retrospect, because I’ve had a killer headache and been gaggy ever since, but otherwise all is a-ok. Maybe it really is the time-in-the-kitchen factor that’s been getting me; according to a girl in my aerobics class, if she’s in the kitchen longer than 10 minutes, she is sick and can’t eat anything. And I’ve tried cooking a few very simple, very innocuous meals since I’ve been back (like, a bland stir fry that doesn’t have meat or even garlic or ginger) but have instantly lost my appetite. For once in my life I wish I lived with someone who cooks, but even though I’ve heard rumors that Quiet has some skills, he hasn’t stepped up to the plate (ha ha), and I’m not about to ask him to. I just find it strange that I was able to have shrimp and crab legs and caesar salad last night (and see people downing raw oysters) and I was just fine, yet pea pods in a little soy sauce made me run for plain white rice.
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