My 2nd favorite cousin (sorry, but, really, you know who #1 is and can't blame me because he's the coolest priest-in-training we know) and I went to the fair yesterday afternoon for a few hours, which was pretty fun. Apparently 1 1/2 hours is the exact right amount of time to be there when you're a grown up and don't ride rides or like to smell animals and hate people. I got my corn on and brought home cotton candy, so what else was there to do?
I'm excited because this weekend A Nightmare Before Christmas 3-D opens up, which my in-the-know friend Chris invited me to. I love this movie not just because it is totally awesome and the songs get stuck in my head at inopportune times, but also because according to my Rules of Watching Seasonal Movies Seasonally, I get to watch this both at Halloween AND at Christmas. Yes, I am a crazy person.
Next week I am back to Boston, and then from there I have four days in Virginia for the Halloween party. My costume is basically done, because I'm a quitter and stopped caring, and it's passably cool. I realized that if I want to decorate the house for Halloween I need to do it like, this weekend, and I have to go into the dreaded Attic Crawlspace of Horror and Falling Insulation, and unpack a damn box, so I'm not too sure how I feel about that. We'll see how inspired I get after the movie.
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