I'm happy that it's the weekend (yay!) but I go back to Boston again next week (boo!) so that is hanging over my head. I think I'm just looking forward to some quiet time and napping this weekend to catch up on my sleep. There is a far-away train whistle I can hear right now, and that combined with the rainy day and my comfy chaise are killing me. It's just dawned on me that there is positively no Pepsi anywhere in the house, so I may need to go make a cup of black tea for a caffeine injection (although a nice hot relaxing cup of tea might just be the thing that pushes me over the edge to make me crawl back into bed and say to hell with this day). The cleaning crew is coming this afternoon, so I can't sneak away and sleep then. *sigh* it's so hard to be me.
I've got to iron my burden of a costume this weekend, and everyone knows how I feel about ironing. I can't wear it with the big crease down the front though. I also need to play with the hair dye and make sure it's going to do what I think it's going to do. Luckily I apparently ordered 9 million gallons of grey skin coloring, so I won't have any problems there. I gave up on finding shoes (barefoot will be more comfortable anyhow, and it's not like it will be the kind of party with crack needles and used condoms all over the floor; I might get a World of Warcraft manual stuck to me, but that's about it). So anyhow, I might not get a chance to post for a while since I'm going right from Boston to Virginia, so won't have time for the internets until Halloween proper. So have a good one, whatever you do!
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