Monday, April 21, 2008

Which of These Things Is Not Like the Other

Is it odd that my sister and I both took pictures of our lunch for our blogs the same day last week? (mind you, she was less lazy and actually POSTED her picture, while I got distracted and didn't get mine up until today. Quiet would be so disappointed in me.) I like the picture comparison - she's usually much more of a vegetarian than I am, yet my lunch totally kicks hers. Except that you can't tell from the picture but the plate is weighed down by the 14 lbs of peanut butter and grape jelly on that white bread sandwich. At least it's that pretend white-wheat. And, uh, also hers didn't include cake, so perhaps I lose some points there. In case you can't tell, mine is the one on the left. Compulsive and at the same time, white-trash (I like my food organized and not touching, and I love the TV-dinner look).
Today I had my 36 1/2 week appointment and another ultrasound. The ultrasound was SOOOOO disappointing (couldn't really see much because Junior's precious little nose is crammed right against the placenta), and my Little Heifer is estimated to be 7 1/2 pounds. Mostly in the cranial region. Yes, the tech told me my big fat baby has a big fat head. I wasn't really surprised, that's how we like to grow 'em in my family. But almost 8 lbs already?!! That makes me want to add Dial-an-Epidural to my cell phone phone book. I also had my first fisting I mean internal exam. No dilation or effacement or any other fancy birthin' terms are happening yet. Which can mean either she could be born in another month, or this evening (because doctors still just don't know all that much besides how to apply the leeches).
The shower Saturday was totally awesome. Lots of smocked dresses, which totally thrilled me. I set up the Pack 'N Play last night and can't stop glaring at it whenever I pass by - it really freaks me out, and I don't know why. Signs of baby slowly creeping throughout the rest of the house makes it more real? The P'nP signifies that the shower has happened and it's less than a month til my due date and at some point I'm going to have to set a small child in it, which is utterly paralyzingly terrifying? Who knows. I also realized last night (a little late in the game, much like all my Junior realizations) that in a few months The Nanny, a stranger, is going to be at my house. My new house. The one that is just starting to feel like mine. A stranger, here. With my baby. ERRKKK!!

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