Monday, April 14, 2008

Green = Healthy

It’s Monday, and that means I’m tired because I spent the weekend doing errands and stuff around the house like a crazy person, and then Junior refused to let me sleep last night. The garage got organized, which was awesome, and I did zero cleaning, which was less awesome. I also spent like $782 at Target on some curtains and the new Magic Eraser with Febreze. Frickin’ Target. I made another post-baby freezer meal (Spanish Chicken ‘n Rice) and had a nice outing to the Farmer’s Market, which resulted in Spinach Strawberry Salad for dinner last night. I can’t believe strawberries are already in season, I’m so not ready for that.

Saturday afternoon I drove around with the girls looking at houses (no, not for me, for once), and encountered the out-of-control pregnancy foot swelling for the first time. It’s bad when flip flops cut into your gargantuan feet. I had total cankles, which was uncool. I put ‘em up when I got home, but they weren’t better until the following morning. I got tired out sooooo quickly, and it started to hurt when I’d just, like, walk. I think confinement is the only answer.

Today’s I-got-suckered-in-again new food item review is the Canada Dry Green Tea Ginger Ale. Now, some people might think this sounds disgusting, and I was a little bit worried. But I love their Cranberry Ginger Ale so figured I’d give it a shot. I was pleasantly surprised – it was light and refreshing, plus filled with the awesome power of antioxidants and Vitamin C and will also wash your car or something. It made me feel slightly less guilty about drinking a soda beverage while preggers (because, let’s face it, I just don’t like water and this is slightly better than Pepsi), however, it still has a pound of sugar in the form of the evil Corn Syrup of Death. I also can’t decide if I like it just because I’m pregnant and Junior is screwing with my taste buds, or if I’d like it while a rational non-pregnant person. Regardless, a lovely summer carbonated sugar drink.

Only five days til the Baby Shower!!!

1 comment:

A. said...

It's me Dance_soul. I'm too lazy to sign it with my other account. After reading this post the other made me wanna try this. So bad that I dreamed about tasting it last night. Hilarious. I'll have to see if they have it here. I didn't notice in the store but I'll search next time.