The consultation with the lawyer was brief and free due to my work legal plan I joined. The paperwork to terminate Quiet’s rights will not be either of those things. $2500!!! That’s ridiculous. I hate lawyers, even if they are very young and very cute and say ‘y’all’ a lot. Basically the advice I got was instead of filing a Voluntary Waiver of Parental Rights right after Junior’s birth, wait six months and file a Termination of Rights, which is much more serious-sounding and supposedly more binding. It seems a lot like Abandonment to me, which I guess it kind of is, but it still bugs me. Basically Quiet will have zero contact with Junior in any form for ½ year (which is in line with what he wanted anyhow), I’ll file a petition, there’ll be a hearing (which he purposefully will not attend), and I’ll have to go to another hearing to sign some stuff and that will be it. NC has next to no case law on something like this so my little precious lawyer is going to pull NY and CA files (slightly more progressive than the South) just to be sure, but he couldn’t think of anything else I needed to do/not do.
Also, I forgot to post that I had my first Braxton-Hicks, or at least the first one I could feel. As you know from my incessant complaining I have had the croup so was working from bed one day last week trying to rest up before the move, and all of a sudden I got this weird pinch-y cramp-y feeling. Shifting position didn’t help, so I stood up and walked around a bit, then finally ended up bent over the end of the bed holding the footboard. It only lasted a couple minutes, and didn’t really hurt (more just a discomfort). It was very exciting. I didn’t think for a minute it was a real contraction though, which I thought about later a little nervously. I’m so sure that I’ll go past my due date – what if I don’t? What if I don’t take those early ‘real’ contractions seriously? It sounds like something stupid I’d do. People say that you know when it’s really starting, and I’m relying on all the pre-labor warm-up activities my childbirth instructor told us about (like the show and the plug and the trots, all the niceties). I’m just starting to get a wee bit nervous since I was watching ‘Deliver Me’ again last night and the woman was 8 weeks from her due date, and I thought, ‘Man, that’s not long at all’ and then realized I was SIX. Ridiculous.
1 comment:
I was thinking about the fact that you're six weeks last night. So soon!
I didn't have any of the early signs they talk about, by the way, although I watched for them constantly.
Everything I've read says that "you know" when you're in labour. Even if you don't take the first couple seriously, it will eventually dawn on you that the crampy feeling is coming at really regular intervals (e.g. every 6 mins). And, if you're like me, you'll have 12 hours of first stage labour in which to notice it. And after the first couple hours, they get definitely hard to ignore!
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