Our headline story is the fact that I am still stomach sleeping, despite my rather advanced girth. I just cannot deal with this side thing. I try, I swear, but at some point I roll over to the position I’m most comfortable in – arms pinned underneath me, leg propped up, quite stubbornly on my stomach. On Junior. The 83 articles I’ve read this morning on the internets tell me that it’s ok, that my body would tell me something was wrong or I’d become uncomfortable long before I hurt Little Heifer. It still worries me. I started poking at her as soon as I was awake, to make sure I hadn’t committed mattress-ide (get it? Too early for lame comedy?). There were some sleepy half-hearted pokes back in return, so I guess she’s still mostly ok. Like I always say, it’s better than doing crystal meth.
The big fat baby and I hung some prints in the living room/dining room last night, in part to hide the ugly paint job that I need to ignore until post-baby and mostly just to balance out the rooms. But it made me really want to get curtains for the dining room, so I might go do that tonight. I swear, it’s got to be the nesting, because even when I move I’m not normally quite this crazy-compulsive about getting everything settled. And the cleaning up after myself! So bizarre. I am apparently tortuously bothered by the idea of leaving for the hospital in the middle of the night and having the pillows on the couch slightly mussed.
Enjoy Tuesday and what it brings for you. My domain change looks like it finally went through so I’ll be able to go work on the other site, huzzah!
1 comment:
I took nothing from this post except the tantalizing image of a slice of red velvet cake. And ice cream.
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