In other moving-and-Junior related news, I’ve decided to go ahead and transfer hospitals, which is nerve-wracking but I think will be good for the following reasons;
The only downside I can see is that Rex doesn’t have the doula service that UNC offers, but I’ve got Coach and lots o’ other friends, so I’m not as worried about that. I’ll pay for one if I decide I just can’t cope. I probably need to find a different pediatrician as well, but I’m going to put that off because I really just adore my doctor. She rushed me in this morning when I showed up all pitiful on the doorstep without an appointment or a shower. Hey, at least I was wearing pants.
House: SOLD! (supposedly); under contract pending the inspection Wednesday, still doing showings which is irritating but makes good business sense
Junior: Doing ok despite the barrage of drugs and oxygen starvation
Mental state: Weird. Tentatively relieved about the house sale but afraid to get excited; sad that Junior will never be in the pretty nursery and sad to have to leave, despite everything; scared of getting rushed into buying the wrong house, nervous about the move and the logistics of the closing and getting three of us out without too much chaos; panic-stricken about Loud not coming up with his share of the closing money and having to deal with that; stressed about packing; conflicted about the guys becoming my distant past in the near future
Physical state: Pneumonia! As if! I’ve got a humidifier on, I’ve gone through 836 tissues in the last hour, the weird wheezing gasping exhale noises I make wake me up in the middle of the night because they sound like conversations, my body can’t make up its mind if it wants to have a fever or chills so just alternates between the two randomly, and I’m just really, really grateful it’s not the f-l-u.
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