Tuesday, February 19, 2008

House Inspection #2

I remember now why selling a house is one of the top five biggest life stressors. This has been a brutal past few days. On a positive note, after six exhausting hours on Sunday I found a new place that I’m pretty happy with, so I’ll be making an offer on that (keep your fingers crossed for me and Junior!). On the other side is the strain of trying to work with the guys on the inspection repairs. If I manage not to stab Loud in the next hour or so then I just might make it through the process.

So far most of the estimates are pretty reasonable, it’ll just be the bathroom exhaust fan that kills us if we have to do it. We’ll meet with our agent again tonight to review our response back to the buyers. I have talked to her 6 times today alone, and if the phone rings again I’ll scream. It will be interesting to see what the guys actually think, since I can’t get a handle on how they feel we should react, and trying to pin Loud down on any of the list items is impossible. Much like trying to get him to take ownership of two simple little things. Yet he wanted to come and tell me everything I was doing wrong with the window repair estimates I was getting, so that was fun and made me happy.

Our agent is finally emailing the buyers to see about a rent-back through the weekend so that I’m not paying to move twice and store my stuff somewhere for a few days, or get a pod, or something else nightmarishly expensive and stressful, and so that I’m not trying to move in the middle of the week when no one will be available to help. The timing is so terrible – looks like due to Easter weekend I’ll probably miss CarolinaCon, which was going to be my final event appearance, and something I didn’t realize I was looking forward to so much until I figured out I’d have to give it up. It’s so frustrating that the guys don’t have the same problem – they can move out anytime to an apartment. I have to wait for the close of our current place to close on my new place, plus work out the timing of the carpet cleaning and the walk-through. It makes me nuts because, uh, people do this all the time, why is it so damn hard? I got a lot of packing done this weekend and am caught back up to my timeline of when I want to get things done, so that made me feel slightly better. I think I got a burst of energy as I’m finally almost totally recovered, and Junior has been pretty quiet and I’m (knock on wood) pain and nausea-free.

The next few days will be a flurry of getting repairs done and the negotiations on the new house purchase. I basically just keep repeating to myself, ‘Don’t freak out’. It’s not helping. I assume I’ll be the one to deal with the carpets and the move-out clean so I need to call people about that stuff, and as soon as I hear about the rent-back and the new house offer acceptance I’ll be able to get the movers scheduled and start calling utilities for set up. I’m just so terrified of something really super important falling through the cracks because of my current pregnancy brain, I’m even more tense than usual about how everything is playing out. The guys haven’t mentioned anything further about their loan process and it’s out of my control, so I’ll just have to hope they are taking care of it and I’ll focus on the stuff I can do something about.


Dance_Soul said...

Ok. So I've been reading this blog for MONTHS and MONTHS.

So. Congrats and good luck with the move. :-)

KitchenCathi said...

Thanks! I'm actually pretty excited about the new place, and glad I won't be trying to move with a new baby.