So I waited on pins and needles to call the Nurse’s line this morning for the results, and it was GOOD!!!!! The magic Wilford-Brimley number to beat is 140, and my results were 114. Again, this is me, thanking whoever that everything has gone so well with this pregnancy. And this was the last milestone test, I believe, unless they do an ultrasound at 32 weeks. I let the Doc know that my next visit would likely be my last due to the move, and he was very nice about it – he said to let the receptionist know and they would copy all my paperwork for me so I could carry it with me, which is awesome (although I’m pretty sure they’ll charge me a zillion dollars to do it). I thought I would have to have another appointment in two weeks, but he said a month was good. My blood pressure is terrific, and Junior is currently head-down, which means that the pain under my ribs may very well be a little foot kicking the crap out my gall bladder or whatever the heck is under my right breastbone. I told the Doc about the horrible tearing pain when I roll over in bed (or stretch out my legs, or thrash my arms around), and he didn’t seem too concerned so I’m not worried.
There’s definitely a lot more noticeable movement. Noticeable as in, visible to the naked eye-on-the-outside. There have been some bumps and ripples that have jolted my laptop, and I’ve had to order a more comfy padded lap pad since the current one, while doing a great job of keeping the heat off, is sharp and pokey. Yes, I wouldn’t have this problem if I sat at a desk, but I also wouldn’t be able to have my feet up, would I? (that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it). I made the visit-to-the-doctor-visit-to-the-dentist on the same day mistake again, and Junior did NOT like the sound of that drill starting up. I got the Invisaligns re-attached, and man, are they TIGHT. I guess the company is serious about moving my teeth.
In house news, I officially have until this Sunday to find a place. Seriously. After that it will be too late for financing approval. Plus I am already finding an issue getting people to close on the 26th when/if I find a house that is occupied. THIS SUNDAY. FREAKING OUT. It looks like the guys are planning to move on the 10th, which is good because there won’t be any chaos with all of us trying to move at the same time, but bad because I will likely lose a washer/dryer and be smelly or homeless at a Laundromat or begging at friends’ doors for the rest of the month.
I broke down and made an appointment to interview another Nanny Saturday morning. I realized that a part of me has not yet accepted the fact that at some point in the next few months there WILL be a baby and it WILL require care, and ignoring these facts is not helping any. I will not magically win a zillion dollars so that I can just be home with Junior, nor will a Nanny magically appear on my doorstep. Um, I mean at the door of my van down by the river, since I'll be homeless.