Well, folks, as we careen drunkenly towards the end of March, the beginning of spring, and lurk alarmingly closer and closer to DD day (Due Date day, of course, although that probably is the size The Girls will be by then), DIY Pregnancy must, inevitably, close its doors. This blog has been about attempting to GET pregnant, and not the joys and hilarious pitfalls of actually HAVING an evil little being of the female variety to suffer a variety of indignities upon me. Therefore, I will be closing up shop and setting up a new business at an as-yet-to-be-decided interweb location. For various quirky and self-protective reasons I won’t be posting the new site information here, so if you are one of the three members of my loyal yet likely mentally unstable readership who is interested in continuing to follow Junior’s adventures to actually being born and dealing with me as a mother, leave me a comment or send me a message or write a note on a piece of paper and throw it over your left shoulder into your fireplace at approximately midnight on the first of April (make sure your fireplace is not lit, and that you notify me of your address so I can break into your house and retrieve the note).
While it has certainly not been the journey I expected, I don’t think anything like this ever really could go according to plan. Especially not with the kooky approach I took to getting here. I appreciate everyone’s support and feedback over the past year, and am grateful that I had the opportunity to vent and share and otherwise inundate you with my minutiae. I wish you all the best, especially if you are going through anything remotely like this yourself, or even if you’re just a bored 12-year old who is blocked from reading anything better. There may be a handful of posts left in me before this site is rendered void and becomes historical fiction, but I hope if I have done nothing else, I have trained you to set your expectations low.
Good night, noises everywhere.
Mom-to-Be and Junior, onwards and upwards
(er, hopefully downwards, actually, at least for Junior in the upcoming weeks)
I guess I am one of the "three."
I'm not 12 and I'm not trying to get pregnant - but I was drawn in by your story and your writing.. I would love to read more after you close the doors on this chapter.
E-mail me: michigangrad03@gmail.com
And boo hiss boo about your original house being available NOW!!
I've enjoyed reading about your DIY experience. However I've most enjoyed your humor and writing style. Hope all goes well with Junior!
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