I can’t believe I’ll see my family for the holidays in just 4 days. I’ll get to play with my crazy-haired niece, and tell all my high school buddies about Junior. I spent a very productive afternoon yesterday burning CDs for the drive, and am keeping my fingers crossed for decent weather. I’ve already started to receive gifts for the baby, which is freaking exciting. Cousin J got me one of those womb-sound teddy bears; it’s cute and cuddly and just a tiny bit creepy, but I’ve heard babies are very comforted and soothed by them, so I had actually really wanted one. Whatever works, right?
It’s nice that I’m in the twilight of the pregnancy, with no nausea, returned energy, and out-of-control hormones. I cry at ANYTHING now. The shortness of breath is a little weird (and makes me feel very sympathetic for asthmatics and hugely fat people), but I’ve adjusted to the sinus thing and thankfully no one shares my room so the increased drool and snoring goes unnoticed. I still haven’t felt Junior move, which should happen any day now, but I’m not too worried about it. I’ve seen it enough on the ultrasound screen to have patience for once, plus from what I’ve read I may be feeling it and just don’t know that’s what it is. I’m sure that once those 18.5 cm legs get going I’ll be aware of it.
I’ve finally started the dreaded weight gain, three pounds so far. My clothes feel like I’ve gained 75. Everything is tight except the newest yoga pants. At least I’m not wearing leggings, kill me if that happens. I haven’t noticed any breast growth yet, thank god. I already got rid of ‘em once! There’s some delightful stretch marks starting to form, and weird skin blemishes, which really help contribute to my overall feeling of gorgeousness. But knock on wood, my blood pressure has stayed pretty normal and there haven’t been any other red flags. Good job, Junior!
Happy holidays to everyone in case I don’t get another chance to post before I flee the country on Friday. I probably won’t be back online until the new year, so I hope everyone has a merry Christmas, lots of good food, rest and relaxation, and time spent with loved ones, whoever they may be.
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