Thursday, April 5, 2007

Strike Three, But Still in the Game

I know you have all been breathlessly awaiting the results of Attempt #3, and I'll bet you can guess how that went. No, third time was not a charm in my case, but whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right? So as I suffer through another week of cramping, rollercoaster moodiness, piercing headaches and torrential bleeding (as if I needed another reason to resent my period, right?), I must set my shoulders resolutely and steadfastly march on.

To that end, rather than sitting and making excuses and whining (like I have been doing about this, my job, my weight, my friends, and pretty much anything else anyone would listen to), I have ordered some Ovulation Test Strips. You can never have too many things to dunk in your urine, I say. I even read the instructions, so it should be an exciting time. I just have a feeling that since I’ve been so stressed and irregular, I’m not timing things correctly, so this should help. Science, working for me. No, I'm not going totally crazy and getting FertiliTea or the sperm-pooling pillow or any other hippie new-agey weirdness. Yet.

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