In work news, I started my new position officially on Monday so am spending the week in beautiful upstate Boston, where it’s like 852 degrees cooler than North Carolina, which is a nice break. We did lunch in New Hampshire, which was kinda neat because I think that was my first time in that state. The new Girl Boss actually so far seems to be pretty decent. I’m worried of course about what she thinks of me – it’s been a while since I’ve had to get up early and stay focused all day long, and I don’t think I’m doing a very good job of not getting a slightly glazed expression starting at around 3:30 in the afternoon. Plus, I keep staring at her tits. No, seriously, she wears these low-necked tops and she has just terrific, slightly freckled cleavage. I hope she doesn’t think I’m totally gay for her. Or, if she does, that it’s advantageous for me at review time and I don’t have to go downstairs.

In home news, there are zero updates. There is also zero patience left for Loud, zero hope of ever selling, zero options left available, and soon-to-be zero dollars left in my bank account after I freak out and go rent a seedy motel room so I can get the hell out of there before another day goes by. If only I had a dollar for every time someone has said to me in the last two months, ‘Boy, this is a terrible market to be trying to sell’ I'd be able to afford the motel. Quiet and I are fed up with Loud's asinine friends being there, and it makes me bitter because he wouldn't have a nice house to invite people over to if, well, I'm sure you get the idea. But in good news, I introduced myself to Loud's boss since I'm at the corporate office, and made sure to tell him that Loud really wanted to move to Boston AND travel a lot more. I actually giggled to myself as I walked back to my temporary desk. See, I can be evil when I'm not hormonal!