Friday, November 2, 2007

Introducing - The Fetus

Don’t be upset that I’ve been keeping secrets, I had to. I had to see for myself that little person before I could let myself believe and hope and share with all of you. It’s been a VERY long three months, trust me. I’m up to an average of 1-2/day with the barfing, I’ve become a total vegetarian (totally against my will), I’m tired all the time, and just generally no fun at all. So be happy you only have another 6 months now of listening to me fret and complain!

I’ve been keeping up the writing, although not posting (I’m sneaky), so if you want, go back to September and get caught up on all the drama and excitement that was those first early weeks. If you don’t care, well, I promise that going forward I will try my best to keep you up-to-date on all the minutia. In the next couple months I’ll be working with my favorite web designer cousin to get the official website up, so I’ll share that info when it’s available.

For those of you wondering about the timing – yes, I conceived exactly two weeks after the miscarriage. So I will forever advise that people don’t wait, because apparently your body really is primed and ready to go. I only did one single lonely little attempt, Friday August 24th, but as we all know, that’s all it takes!

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