1. I was in Seattle, and the time difference made blogging next to impossible
2. I was washing my hair. Because there was vomit in it.
3. I’ve been enjoying spending quality time with Loud now that he’s home again
4. Quiet makes me sew every spare second like I’m in some sort of holiday sweatshop
5. Blog-posting, or cookie-making: True, a blog is forever, but a piece of homemade baklava is delicious for like, a whole hour
I was tallying up the number of places Baby will have been in-utero, and it’s really quite ridiculous. I am going to Cincinnati tomorrow (for Thanksgiving, more on that later), back to Boston a few weeks after that, Toronto for Christmas, Chicago again in early January, and who knows what else before May? The good news is, my Boston trip got moved back a week because of a major meeting, so my next ultrasound appointment is now a week earlier. The bad news is, it won’t be Dr. Reassuring, which kinda sucks but kinda fits into my original plan of trying to meet everyone in the practice, so I guess that’s a good thing. So Friday, December 7th I should know whether Alistair really is an Alistair, or is an Anastasia. I'm still getting the occasional nausea attack, which I was hoping would be gone by now, but last night I was able to retain a Big Mac, which I thought was a good sign (yes, I know, I chose the most healthy meat option I could think of). My energy level is still about the same, and no other physical changes that are noticeable as yet.
So Cincinnati tomorrow. I’ll be staying with my #3 favorite cousin, who is a mother of two and hopefully kept some of her maternity clothes since she is also tall and not a size 0. The bonus is, she’s a nurse as well, so she’s a GREAT person to talk to about stuff like Baby. She’s a very tell-it-like-it-is person, which I appreciate when I’m faced with choices about epidurals and episiotomies and other even more disgusting topics. I hope my #1 favorite cousin doesn’t feel slighted that I’m not staying with him, which I’ve done for the past 10 years, but #3’s house is, uh, more centrally located. And has heat. And doesn’t have dogs and dust and a floor that makes my socks black on the bottom. I’m excited to tell the cousins, but I’m freaking out a bit about telling my Catholic Grandmother. I’m hoping that by now she’s had enough scandal in the family that she won’t actually keel over dead at my news and will just be disappointed or sad or some other awful reaction. She’s my closest grandma, so I really hope I don’t get disowned or anything like that, because I like her a lot and would love for Alistair to know her.
After I get back from the ‘Nati it will be time for The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. No, not a visit to the Admiral’s Club at O’Hare, CHRISTMAS!!!! I love Christmas. I love trying to come up with perfect presents, and wrapping them in blue and silver, and getting a ridiculously oversized tree and overloading it with lights, and baking 14 dozen different kinds of cookies, and more lights, and Christmas music on the radio and in the stores, and The Year Without a Santa Claus. I love it all. Loud is a Scrooge, so it makes me happy that he hates it all, because he gets outvoted (Quiet, sensibly, loves Christmas as well). And I found out that Loud’s Baby Boyfriend enjoys the holidays too, so at least that’s something.
I hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving and a tryptophan hangover, and gets to spend time with friends or loved ones or a favorite video game or whatever floats your Mayflower. Happy Slapsgiving!