Loud returns this weekend. He’s been gone for three blissful weeks, weeks in which the house stayed clean, there were no fights or sleepless nights, food stayed in the refrigerator, and it was just simply quiet. Luckily his stay will be brief, as he’s back on the road in another week, but with no further house showings it’s getting tougher and tougher to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Plus since I have found the Very Much Unlucky Pretty House Bad Decision #2 I am freaking out about losing it.
I got the new job, which is exciting, Service Planning Product Manager. I don’t have to go through the trauma of changing companies, and most importantly I still get to work from home. And it’s more money, which always helps. I’m nervous about pretty much all aspects of it (female boss, high expectations, big shoes to fill, lack of product knowledge, lots of travel to Boston, etc.), but at least it’s a challenge, right? And NOT project management, huzzah!
No updates yet on the current TWW. Keep your fingers crossed for me, dear reader. Maybe getting rid of Stressor #1 will help. I did some more writing for the next Choice Mom Fertility Guide and have some editing to do, so I need to get my non-propogating self in gear.
Long live Neville!
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